6 Videos and 6 Lessons to Improve Your Career in 2017

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6 Videos and 6 Lessons to Improve Your Career in 2017

The things we learnt together.
6 videos and lessons to improve your career in 2017
Image: Pinterest

This time last year I had just quit my job to start Pepper Your Talk, to take a chance on myself, to help young creatives, to meet you!

Looking back each month was a new turning point. More than anything, I am so glad to have documented it all through the Pepper Your Talk YouTube channel. Without realising it, you guys became my diary, listening in on all the updates, lessons and general conversations we had every week (which turned into every other week). Thank you for turning up, tuning in and taking it all on board. In review of the year and all the videos I filmed, here are our top lessons:


When asked how I had the courage to leave everything behind to build a business with no guarantees, I actually didn’t see myself as any different to anyone else. If I sat down on the very first day of 2016 and attempted to conjure up enough bravery to last me a year, I would have failed before I had even begun. What I chose to do instead was focus on each new day, looking at the specific tasks in front of me and then deciding how strong, determined and focused I needed to be for the next 24 hours. One step at a time, one day at a go. WATCH MORE 


We made mistakes in 2016! But if that hadn’t of have been the case we wouldn’t have been trying, growing or learning. When I trusted people that I shouldn’t have, it taught me to listen my gut. Through lack of preparation and jumping up and acting, I developed my own key steps of planning and development which will benefit us all in the future. When focus and direction was lost, we learnt to stop and seek new inspiration. Our mistakes have brought us this far and I look forward to making some more this year. WATCH MORE 


In 2016, I lost my friend Reem Berhane. One of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. Ask anyone about her and they’ll tell you the exact same thing, she was a light! In her passing, we truly got to understand the importance of spending our short time on earth wisely . This is beyond career and goals! Who are you at your core? When it’s all said and done, what will you be remembered for? Thank you Reem! WATCH MORE 


A grassy area only becomes a path when enough people have intentionally walked over it for a long period of time. But even then, you’re free to choose NOT to take that route. Your life is your adventure, mud washes off, bruises fade and the long way may be ‘your way’. Once I realised that I could actually veer off course, I truly started living. WATCH MORE


People like people. Don’t be worried about injecting who you are into your brand. I kicked off the very first Pepper Your Talk video with an introduction of myself and why I do what I do. The response was more than I could have asked for and it connected me to so many of you all – it still is! Believe it or not, I was so worried about how much of myself I could invest in the business but when it came to sitting down and filming that very first video, I was more comfortable in front of the camera than I had ever been. Thank you for accepting me and Pepper with open arms! WATCH MORE 


Don’t stop! You’ll look back and it’ll make sense #WEMOVE WATCH MORE 


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